Chichén Itzá

“The city on the edge of the well of the Itzáes”

Located 115 km from the city of Mérida, recognized and declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Furthermore, its Kukulkán Castle was declared one of the seven wonders of the modern world.
It was one of the largest and most powerful settlements in the central-northern part of the Yucatan peninsula.

Chichén Itzá had an extension of approximately 25 km2.


Yaxchilan is an ancient Mayan city located on the riverside of the Usumacinta river, on the border of Chiapas with Guatemala. Its very peculiar location, its incredible architecture in the middle of the jungle and the journey to get there, make this place one of the most enigmatic archaeological sites in Mexico.


Located 85 kilometers from San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Toniná is a sacred space made up of an artificial mountain with seven platforms. The site is accessed through the prisoners” ball game court, one of the largest of its time, located on the great platform, where the sacrificial altar also stands.

Ek Balam

“Dark Jaguar” – “Lucero Jaguar”

Located 190 km east of Mérida, Ek´Balam is a Mayan city that had its maximum development during the classical period. It was possibly the center of the “Tlalol” kingdom.

Its foundation dates back to 300 B.C., until the arrival of the Spanish.


Bonampak Archaeological Zone Mayan world means “painted walls” located in the heart of the Lacandona Jungle, whose peak occurred during the rule of Jaguar-Knotted Eye who ascended the throne of Bonampak in 743 AD. C.

Cuauhtinchán, Malinalco

One of the most emblematic tourist attractions of Malinalco, known as the “Cerro de los Ídolos”. The only monolithic pyramid in America is located on this site and the initiation rituals of the eagle warriors were performed; Inside, there is an eagle carved in stone and a hole in the base that served as a container for the blood offered to the gods by the warriors.

The archaeological zone also serves as a spectacular viewpoint of the Magical Town.

The Dr.