Beautiful Veracruz

Experience the cultural and natural richness of Veracruz, from the vibrant port city of Veracruz to the magical lands of Catemaco, passing through archaeological sites, charming villages and lush coffee fields. Embark on an adventure in the history, gastronomy and unique landscapes that this beautiful Mexican state has to offer.

Day 1: Arrival in Tamiahua (for example, coming from Mexico City via Teotihuacán)

In the afternoon, you arrive in tranquil Tamiahua fisher town. In the resting time, have an evening boat tour together with the fishermen to experience s ome original moments of catching shrimps in the lagoon!

Overnight in Tamiahua

Day 2: Lost islands in the Gulf of Mexico

Morning water drive out into the Gulf of Mexico, so to reach small Isla Lobos out in the water surface, there to install your overnight rustic tent accommodation and to explore the coral reefs around with snorkel and/or dive.

Overnight in Isla Lobos rustical tent camp.

Day 3: Water world in Gulf of Mexico – Papantla

Enjoy your remote island wake up and have a dip into the clear Gulf of Mexico. In later morning, water way back to mainland for some refreshment, before land wise you continue to reach the Magical Town of Papantla, where in the evening you can have a relaxed first orientation walk over the colorful main square.

Overnight in Papantla or Poza Rica.

Day 4: El Tajín & Vainilla

The first part of the day is dedicated to the amazing prehispanic ceremonial site of El Tajín, remaining from Totonac culture. During the visit walk, see not only the typical temples of niches, but get also a view on the flying men Voladores de Papantla. The afternoon then is to visit a plantation of Vanilla, where you learn about the plant, the growing and harvesting, as well about how the vanilla pot is processed to result in so flavor full products.

Overnight in Papantla or Poza Rica

Day 5: Papantla – Coastline & Quiahuiztlán – Coatepec

Morning departure to drive along the coast region of the Gulf of Mexico. Have a stop near the spot, where in early 16th century Spanish conqueror Hernán Cortés first touched main land ground after arrival in his ships from Spain and where in prehispanic times the Totonac had a ceremonial place in Quiahuiztlán, also called the Totonac Cemetery, where some temple miniatures lay under the dominating monolith overlooking the coastline from high above. In the afternoon, reach the Magical Town of Coatepec in the subtropical misty mountains of Veracruz. Enjoy a town walk in the afternoon in this picturesque place and already enjoy some coffee specialties, which are traditionally from the countryside around.

Overnight in Coatepec.

Day 6: Coffee Fields – Ancient Cultures – Veracruz Port City

During the morning, enjoy a countryside walk up to the coffee plantations here around town and learn about the planting, growing and harvesting, for afterwards to take part in a tasting of different types of coffees in a coffee finca here in Coatepec. In the early afternoon, visit the Regional Museum of Anthropology in Xalapa neighboring and capital city of state of Veracruz. This museum hosts one of the most extense and exquisite collection and exhibition of prehispanic art in Mexico, especially also about cultures like Totonac and Olmec. In the later afternoon drive down to the port city of Veracruz, where a relaxing evening walk in the historical center and along the harbour walk allows you to feel embraced by a southern sea ambiance. Have the chance for a traditionally served Café Lechero, as well as some moment for dinner, e.g. in well-known Los Portales!

Overnight in Veracruz.

Day 7: Veracruz – Tlacotalpan – Catemaco

A panoramic drive out from Veracruz port city brings you into the low swamp lands, for to reach the Magical and World Heritage river town of Tlacotalpan. The particular and colorful architecture remains from the times of great sugar cane plantations around. In the later afternoon, get into the so-called region of Las Tuxtlas, where the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt ends with Volcán de San Martín and Sierra de Santa Martha near the Gulf of Mexico and forms an enchanting landscape. Reach the Lake of Catemaco and your overnight place on its shores.

Overnight in Catemaco.

Day 8: Waterworlds & Tobacco

A morning drive over the pass between the mountains brings you down to the Lagoon of Sontecomapan, where you will realize a wonderful boat ride through an amazing outburst of nature, through sweet and salt water labyrinths of mangroves and over great lagoon water surfaces. Come then back and visit the waterfall of Eyipantla and get a view on the traditional tobacco fields around San Andrés Tuxtla.

Overnight in Catemaco.

Day 9: Ongoing Journey from Catemaco

After breakfast you can continue towards the states of Tabasco and Chiapas or also return into the highlands via Orizaba, where you still might like to see the Steel Palace!

Operated by: Mexcellence Travel

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