Meeting of Traditional Cooks of Michoacán

Información General

Morelia, Michoacán, México


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Immerse yourself in the world of Mexican cuisine at the Michoacán Traditional Cooks Meeting, an event that celebrates Michoacán's rich culinary diversity and honors the ancestral traditions of its cooks. This meeting, held annually in the city of Morelia, is a unique opportunity to discover and savor the authentic dishes and culinary techniques of the different regions of the country.

During the Encuentro de Cocineras Tradicionales de Michoacán, talented female cooks from diverse communities native to Michoacán come together to share their knowledge, recipes, and culinary secrets with the public. Visitors have the opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of traditional dishes.

In addition to tasting the delicious dishes, meeting attendees can participate in live cooking demonstrations, interactive workshops and informative talks given by the traditional cooks themselves. These activities offer a fascinating look at the culture of traditional Mexican cuisine, recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, thanks to the Michoacán paradigm.

The Meeting of Traditional Cooks of Morelia is not only a celebration of food, but also of the culture, history and identity of México.

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