Wonders of Mexico

Day 1: Mexico City

Arrival at the airport and transfer to the hotel. Lodging.

Day 2: Mexico City- Teotihuacan

Departure to visit MEXICO CITY where we will visit the Plaza de la Constitución or Zócalo, surrounded by buildings of great architectural, artistic and historical value, such as the National Palace (exterior), the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Aztec Templo Mayor (exterior).
architectural, artistic and historical value, such as the National Palace (exterior), the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Templo Mayor Azteca (exterior). We will visit the main avenues with their monuments, as well as the Diego Rivera Mural Museum to admire his work “Sueño de una tarde Dominical en la Alameda Central” (Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Central Alameda). We continue with a panoramic visit of the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, located in Tlatelolco. This was for the Aztecs the most important market of their empire, because it was possible to get a great variety of products. We continue our excursion to the archaeological site of Teotihuacan, the mysterious city of the gods, where we will visit the gigantic Pyramid of the Sun (built in the 1st century), the Pyramid of the Moon (built in the 2nd century), the Avenue of the Dead, the Citadel with the Temple of Quetzalcoatl and the Palace of the Butterflies. Lunch. On the way back to the city, visit the modern Basilica of Guadalupe. Rest of the afternoon at leisure.

Day 3: Mexico City- Tuxtla Gutierrez- San Cristobal de las Casas

Transfer to Mexico City airport for the flight to Tuxtla Gutierrez. (Flight to Tuxtla Gutierrez not included in the program, and it must be booked with arrival time in Tuxtla after 09h15 and before 13h30, otherwise, will apply supplement for transfer from the airport to the Sumidero Canyon, plus transfer to San Cristobal de las Casas). Arrival and transfer to the dock in Chiapa de Corzo, where we will take the boat that will take us along the Grijalva River and admire the impressive Sumidero Canyon, a true whim of Mother Nature. On the way back, we will visit the particular fountain of the town of Chiapa de Corzo, of Morisco style, which resembles the crown of the catholic kings. Lunch and continuation in the afternoon to San Cristobal de las Casas. Lodging.

Day 4: San Cristobal de las Casas- Indigenous Communities

Morning dedicated to the visit of the indigenous market of San Cristobal de las Casas, the temple of Santo Domingo and the Amber Museum. Afterwards
visit the typical and colorful Tzotzil communities of San Juan Chamula (place of bats) and Zinacantán (thick water). Free afternoon. Lodging.

Day 5: San Cristobal de las Casas- Agua Azul- Palenque

Departure through a winding landscape and thick vegetation, to reach the Yaxhá River (blue water), in order to enjoy the surroundings of the waterfalls of Agua Azul, its impressive blue color and intense green vegetation the impressive blue color of the waterfalls and the intense green vegetation. Departure to Palenque. Lodging.

Day 6: Palenque- Campeche

Visit to the archaeological site of Palenque. The grandeur of its constructions and the priceless mix of white stone with the emerald green of the jungle will never be forgotten. the jungle will never be forgotten: The Palace, Temples of the Sun and the Foliated Cross, the Queen’s Bath in the Otulum stream, and the Temple of the Inscriptions (Pakal’s Tomb) which is currently closed to the public for preservation and whose replica is available at the site’s museum. At the end of the visit, departure to Campeche, with a stop for lunch. Arrival to the fortified city, which is a World Cultural Heritage Site. Visit and lodging.

Day 7: Campeche- Uxmal- Merida

Departure to Uxmal, one of the most important archaeological sites along the so-called Puuc route. During the visit we will observe
the grandeur of the Pyramid of the Soothsayer and the beauty of the Governor’s Palace, built in the Mayan architectural style of this area. Lunch and continuation to Merida. Panoramic tour of the city, whose splendor is due to the trade of agave fibers in colonial times; its residences in French, Italian and Arabic style testify to the past wealth. Lodging.

Day 8: Merida- Chichen Itza- Cancun and/or Riviera Maya

Departure to Chichen Itza, recently declared Wonder of the Ancient World and place of the Mayan culture in all its splendor. Visit the Observatory, the Pyramid of the Castle, the Ball Game, the Sacred Cenote and other temples of interest that will transport us to an enigmatic world of the gods. We will continue with a visit to a cenote where you can take a pleasant swim. Lunch and continuation to Cancun or Riviera Maya and drop off at the hotel of your choice.

Operated by: Vive México

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