Baja California

Baja California is a state located in the northwest of the country, bordering California in the north, the United States, Sonora in the east, and Baja California Sur in the

Baja California Sur

Baja California Sur is located in the Northwest of the country, occupying the southern half of the Baja California Peninsula. It borders to the North with Baja California, connected to


Chiapas is a state rich in culture, gastronomy, history, and nature; a place you definitely can’t ask for more. The state is located in the southeast of Mexico. Its neighbors’


Chihuahua has 247,460 km2, which represents 12.6% of the surface area of the Mexican Republic, making it the largest state in the country. As you enter the capital of this


Coahuila is one of the 31 states of the Mexican Republic. It is located in the northeast region of the country, bordering on the North by the Rio Bravo, which


A beautiful city located in a valley near the Pacific coast beaches. Between two volcanoes emblematic of the state; the Volcán de Fuego and the Nevado de Colima. Inhabiting an