Agave Tour Route

A new route that offers everything related to the production of maguey, the production of pulque and its derivatives. As well as the wonders that a single plant can offer

Taco de Canasta Route

Cacaxtla is located southwest of the state, 40 minutes from the city of Tlaxcala, is a set of murals considered the best preserved of the prehispanic era among which stand

Bullfighting Route

Tlaxcala is distinguished by its fiesta brava, the Tlaxcalan fields were ideal for the breeding of the fighting bull that also came from the old continent. Thus was born a

Firefly Sanctuary

Tlaxcala shines at night from June to August. With the arrival of the rains to the Tlaxcala forests, the night fairies repare to begin the last stage of their life

Diving in Acapulco

Acapulco is rich in a great diversity of marine life, caves, and reefs; it offers a fantastic diving experience in its day and night underwater landscape