What to do if you have COVID during your trip in Mexico?

Mexico is a country that despite not closing its borders has biosecurity measures implemented responsibly by the government and private initiative to avoid the risk of contagion in the country.  Currently, air and land travel for business or pleasure can be carried out without restrictions, upon arrival in Mexico it is not necessary to provide […]

The fashion destination, let’s travel to Yucatan!

Stay and enjoy all the experiences. You don’t need to go far to have fun… to get inspired… to enjoy and marvel! Return to your origin, to an encounter with yourself traveling … Visit and stay in Yucatán, rediscover the land where unique cultures, music, art and joy are born. It is the only land […]

Mexican Wines, a journey through the unknown north and central Mexico

Actually, one imagines Baja California as a barren desert peninsula – rugged Pacific coasts, spectacular cactus fields and inhospitable foothills of the vast Sonora Desert. The same is true for large parts of the inner Mexican states of Coahuila, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Queretaro, Guanajuato and the small Aguascalientes. What they all have in common […]

Traveling as family, synonym of union

The union that surrounds Mexican families is completely unique in the world, for a home there is  nothing more valuable than the members that make it up.  Mexico appreciates very much the family value in different areas, but when taking a trip, it  becomes much more special, so surely you wonder, what recommendations can I […]

If you aim for the sun, México is the right choice

Since decades ago, México has figured in the list of most visited countries in the world, and that has not been a fluke. The undisputed natural beauties of México, as well as its deep historic wealth of more than 4000 years, its touristic appeal, its gastronomy, its bountiful cultural heritage, and more than 11000 km […]

Zacatecas – Cultural Capital of the Americas 2021

It was at the end of September 2019, when Mexico received the great news: again, a Mexican entity was named American Capital of Culture, and the state of Zacatecas won the title for 2021. After 5 times for an entity in Mexico already, now as 6th time, the state of Zacatecas with its hononimous capital […]