Tour Operator or Destination Management Company/DMC?
Does it really mean a big difference?

Conexstur managed to get the registration of ¨Tour Operador¨ in Mexico in 2016 when Enrique de la Madrid was the Tourism Minister of Mexico. We had to explain the difference between a Travel Agency and a Tour Operator. ¨Tour Operador Receptivo¨ still has another aspect which makes a big difference: Taking care of international tourists arriving in your country, managing the special requests in different languages, and taking into consideration the very different expectations from foreign clients. The organization of either leisure travel for individuals or groups, business travel, Incentive travel, or special events – when contracted from another country, the organization and supervision of all services are YOUR responsibility. It is a 24/7 service and preciseness is one of the most important key factors to become a reliable and confident partner in Mexico.
Only the Association of Conexstur is firm with this restriction and belonging to this association means that the tour Operator has a minimum of 80% of the total business with an international clientele. Also, managing US Dollar accounts, taking the risks of exchange rate instability, and register as a company whose main business is the exportation of tourism services.
The Tourism industry never put a lot of importance on the tour operator receptive who brings into the country the foreign tourists, with more days staying in the country with a normally higher budget for travelling than the national tourist and most important the income stays 100% inside the country.
The benefit goes directly to the provider of the services in the region. And yes, international tourism spends much more on souvenirs and local handicrafts than the domestic travellers.
The Tour Operators melt together with all the services alongside the chain of providers, including transportation, hotels, restaurants, guides, historical & ecological sites, entertainment & activities, and most important the local guides who accompany the guests on their travel experience through Mexico.
There are tour operators that have started with pure leisure travel and now also take care of events or corporate travel – the so-called MICE business. And yes, there is a difference that a regular tour operator can not cover. A DMC or Destination Management Company is considered the specialist for groups (small or big ones) that have a corporate theme or interest. Both segments of international or national events are handled by a DMC. They are professionals that guarantee the success of the event, give you the best tips and news about the locations, and work as an extension of the company that is requiring the services. Each event requires different providers and a good DMC knows the pros & cons parts of the providers, restaurant, hotels. etc – work with a local DMC helps you to not step into the dark and to be updated with the local services and infrastructure.
Most of the DMC´s have developed during the pandemic and now include even a more amplified range of services, starting with marketing and communication, production, and AV services.
Both activities – incoming tour operator/tour operador receptivo and on the other side a DMC, both create and promote the ideal place for a growing industry.