
Millenary History -
Considered the northern border of Mesoamerica, this archeological zone's culture developed one of the oldest representations of the National Emblem on record.
Its name comes from its discovery on the grounds of an old ranch called Alta Vista or Buena Vista, very close to the mining town of Chalchihuites, that's why its second name, whose last word is a word of Nahuatl origin meaning green stone.
This pre-Hispanic city extended from the years 200 to 1100 of our era through the northwest of Zacatecas and south of Durango. Some astronomical studies indicate that this area's location is associated with its proximity to the Tropic of Cancer. It has also been proven that the city is designed using a triangulation, as follows
- The cumbre de Picacho Pelón 11 km to the east

- The Cerro Chapin 7 km to the southwest

- Colina del Pedregoso 5 km to the northeast

This location allows them to observe the annual movement in the sun, and so they could anticipate the changes of seasons in the course of the agricultural cycle. At the top of Cerro Chapín, there are 2 "petroengraving" of circles-crosses with calendar beads very similar to the findings in Teotihuacán and its surroundings


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